Lenexa Lawn Care Company

Shopping for a Weedeater? Tips from a Top Lenexa Lawn Care Company

As an experienced Lenexa lawn care company, By The Blade knows that a well-manicured lawn or garden enhances the beauty of any outdoor space. One essential tool for achieving this is a weedeater. Also known as string trimmers or weed whackers, weedeaters are very versatile machines. They help you cut and trim grass and weeds in Lenexa that mowers can’t reach.

You might be a seasoned gardener or a homeowner in Lenexa looking to maintain your property. Either way, shopping for a weedeater can be a daunting task. There are a multitude of weedeater options available in Lenexa, KS. In this comprehensive guide, our lawn care company in Lenexa will walk you through what you should know about weedeaters. This will help you make an informed decision and choose the right weedeater for your needs.

What Is a Weedeater?

Our Lenexa lawn care company is very experienced with weedeaters. Here’s some of the basics:

A weedeater is a handheld outdoor power tool designed for multiple jobs. It cuts & trims grass, weeds, and small plants in areas that are difficult to reach with a lawnmower. It consists of a long shaft with a handle and a rotating head at the end. The head is equipped with a nylon string or line that rapidly spins and cuts through vegetation. As a top Lenexa lawn care company, we know that weedeaters are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks. These include:

  • Lawn Edging: Weedeaters can create clean and well-defined edges around your lawn, flower beds, or sidewalks.
  • Weed Removal: They are excellent at tackling stubborn weeds in hard-to-reach areas such as fence lines, around trees, and along the edges of buildings.
  • Trimming: Weedeaters can trim tall grass and overgrown areas, keeping your lawn looking tidy.
  • Precision Work: They allow for precise trimming and cutting in areas where you want to avoid damaging surrounding plants or structures.
  • Landscaping: Weedeaters are a valuable tool for landscape maintenance and can help you shape and define your outdoor space.

Types of Weedeaters

Weedeaters come in various types. Each is designed for specific applications and user preferences. Our lawn care company in Lenexa understands all the different types, which will help you choose the one that suits your needs best. The main types of weedeaters include:

Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company Describes Gas-Powered Weedeaters:

Gas-powered weedeaters are known for their power and versatility. They are ideal for larger properties and commercial use. These machines run on a mixture of gasoline and oil and are capable of handling heavy-duty tasks. Gas weedeaters offer more mobility since they don’t require a cord or battery, but they are noisier and produce emissions.



  • High power and performance
  • No cord or battery limitations
  • Suitable for larger properties
  • Versatile for heavy-duty tasks



  • Noisy
  • Emissions
  • Requires more maintenance
  • May be heavier

Lenexa Lawn Care Company


Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company Describes Corded Electric Weedeaters:

Corded electric weedeaters are a great choice for smaller properties and homeowners who want an eco-friendly option. These models are lighter and quieter than gas-powered weedeaters. Not to mention, they require less maintenance. However, they are limited by the length of the cord and may not be suitable for larger areas.



  • Lightweight and easy to handle
  • Quieter and eco-friendly
  • Low maintenance
  • Suitable for smaller properties



  • Limited by cord length
  • Less power compared to gas models


Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company Describes Battery-Powered Weedeaters:

Battery-powered weedeaters offer a balance between power and convenience. They are cordless – making them extremely portable. Battery-powered models are also much quieter than gas-powered models. Battery life can be a limitation for certain older models. However, many modern models come with longer-lasting lithium-ion batteries.



  • Cordless and highly portable
  • Quieter operation
  • Low maintenance
  • Suitable for medium-sized properties



  • Limited battery life
  • Less power compared to gas models


Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company Describes Walk-Behind Wheeled Weedeaters:

Walk-behind weedeaters, also known as wheeled string trimmers, are designed for heavy-duty tasks and rough terrains. They feature a wheeled base and a powerful engine, making them suitable for clearing large areas with tall, thick grass and weeds.



  • Designed for heavy-duty tasks
  • Suitable for clearing large areas
  • Easier to maneuver on rough terrain



  • Bulkier and less portable
  • May be overkill for smaller properties


Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company Describes Attachment-Capable Weedeaters:

Some weedeater models come with attachments that can transform them into other yard tools, such as edgers, hedge trimmers, and blowers. These versatile machines are great for users who want multi-purpose equipment for their landscaping needs.



  • Versatile with multiple attachments
  • Save space and money on separate tools
  • Suitable for a wide range of tasks



  • May be bulkier when attachments are added
  • Not as specialized as dedicated tools

Lenexa Lawn Care Company


Our Lawn Care Company in Lenexa Says, Consider These Following Features

When shopping for a weedeater, there are several key features to consider to ensure it meets your specific requirements. Some of the top features to think about, according to our Lenexa lawn care company, are:


Cutting Width:

The cutting width refers to the diameter of the circle that the weedeater’s string can reach. Wider cutting widths can cover more area with each pass but may be less precise for edging. Choose a cutting width that suits the type of work you need to do.


Engine Power (for gas models):

If you opt for a gas-powered weedeater, consider the engine’s power output, usually measured in cubic centimeters (cc). A higher cc rating indicates more power, which can handle tough and overgrown areas more effectively.


Shaft Design:

Weedeaters come with different shaft designs, typically straight or curved. The choice between shaft or curved is really a matter of personal preference. Straight shafts are better for tall users and provide more reach, while curved shafts are often lighter and easier to maneuver.


Adjustable Handle and Shaft:

Ergonomics is crucial when using a weedeater for an extended period. Look for models with adjustable handles and shafts to find a comfortable position for your body.


Feed Mechanism:

Weedeaters feature either a bump feed or automatic feed mechanism for advancing the cutting line. Bump feeds require manual tapping on the ground to release more line, while automatic feeds dispense line as needed. The latter is more convenient but may use more line.


Vibration Reduction:

Excessive vibration can cause discomfort and fatigue during use. Choose a weedeater with vibration-reduction features to minimize these effects.


Weight and Balance:

Consider the weight and balance of the weedeater, as this can affect your comfort and control during operation. Lighter models are easier to handle, but heavier ones may offer more power.


Starting Mechanism (for gas models):

Gas-powered weedeaters can have a pull-start or electric start mechanism. Electric starts are more convenient but may add weight to the machine.


Brand and Warranty:

Choose a reputable brand with a track record for producing durable and reliable weedeaters. Additionally, check for warranties, as they can provide peace of mind in case of defects or issues.


Lenexa Lawn Care Company


Maintenance Tips from Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company

As one of the top Lenexa lawn care services, we know the importance of keeping your lawncare equipment in good shape. To keep your weedeater in the best possible condition, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance. Here are some tips to help you extend the life of your weedeater:

  • Clean the air filter: Regularly clean or replace the air filter to maintain optimal engine performance.
  • Check the spark plug: Inspect the spark plug for wear and replace it if necessary.
  • Keep the cutting head clean: Remove debris and grass clippings from the cutting head to prevent it from clogging.
  • Lubricate moving parts: Apply lubricant to the trimmer head and other moving parts to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation.
  • Inspect the cutting line: Regularly check the cutting line for wear and replace it when it’s worn down.
  • Store properly: Store your weedeater in a dry, cool place, and consider using a cover to protect it from the elements.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule: Refer to the owner’s manual for specific maintenance instructions and schedules.


Safety Tips from Our Lenexa Lawn Care Company

Using a weedeater safely is paramount. Here are some safety tips that our Lenexa lawn care company recommends:

  • Wear protective gear: Always wear safety glasses, hearing protection, and appropriate clothing when operating a weedeater.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Read and understand the owner’s manual to operate the weedeater safely and correctly.
  • Inspect the area: Check the area for obstacles and debris before starting. Remove any objects or debris that could be damaging.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings, and be cautious of people and pets in the vicinity.
  • Maintain a firm grip: Hold the weedeater with both hands, and maintain a stable stance while using it.
  • Avoid cutting too close: Keep the cutting head above the ground to prevent damage to the trimmer and to maintain a safe distance from rocks or other objects.
  • Turn off the weedeater when not in use: If you need to step away, turn off the machine and ensure the cutting head has stopped before setting it down.


Shopping for a weedeater in Lenexa can be a smooth process. It’s important that you understand your specific needs. Next, do your homework on the various types and features available. As a premier Lenexa lawn care company, we strongly recommend that you consider the size of your property, the type of work you need to do, and your personal preferences when choosing a weedeater.

Remember to prioritize safety and perform regular maintenance to keep your weedeater in excellent working condition. With the right weedeater and proper care, you can maintain a beautifully landscaped outdoor space with ease. However, if you’d prefer to hire a professional lawn care company in Lenexa for the job – By The Blade is ready to assist!

Lenexa Lawn Care Company

By The Blade: A Premier Landscaping Company in Lenexa

Whether you need new sod installed or year-round maintenance for your yard, By The Blade has you covered. We are widely considered one of the top lawn care services in Lenexa. Our staff takes great pride in making sure our Lenexa clients have a majestic yard that they can be proud of. Not only do we provide the best landscaping services in Lenexa, we also customize and design swimming pools as well.

Do you need more information about our Lenexa lawn care services? Are you ready to rejuvenate your lawn?

Please contact us today. We look forward to assisting you!


Give By The Blade A Call Today!
